Why do I have to provide a detailed resume?

Error message

Notice: Trying to get property 'uri' of non-object in atf_global_settings_file_entity_access() (line 53 of /mnt/www/html/atfstg/docroot/sites/all/modules/custom/atf_global_settings/atf_global_settings.module).

Federal Human Resources professionals operate under various federal employment laws, rules and regulations. We are prohibited from drawing conclusions or making assumptions regarding your experience or qualifications. It is up to you to describe your past work experience in detail by providing examples related to those listed in the requirements section of the job announcement.

Note: Academic curriculum vitae typically do not include enough information for a Human Resources professional to determine if you meet minimum eligibility requirements. We cannot assume you have the necessary experience required for a position regardless of your employment history or academic career. If you choose to use an academic curriculum vitae, please expand upon the traditional form to include the information in the following section for each experience/position listed. To ensure all of the essential information is in your resume, we encourage you to use the USAJobs Online Resume Builder.

Last Reviewed May 22, 2024