1974-13 - Importation of Firearms by Members of the U.S. Armed Forces

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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in file_entity_field_formatter_view() (line 447 of /mnt/www/html/atfstg/docroot/sites/all/modules/contrib/file_entity/file_entity.field.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'uri' of non-object in atf_global_settings_file_entity_access() (line 53 of /mnt/www/html/atfstg/docroot/sites/all/modules/custom/atf_global_settings/atf_global_settings.module).
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A member of the U.S. Armed Forces who is a resident of any State or territory which requires that a permit or other authorization be issued prior to possessing or owning a handgun shall submit evidence of compliance with State law when applying to import a handgun.
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