2004-2 - Temporary Importation of Firearms Subject to the NFA

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in file_entity_field_formatter_view() (line 447 of /mnt/www/html/atfstg/docroot/sites/all/modules/contrib/file_entity/file_entity.field.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'uri' of non-object in atf_global_settings_file_entity_access() (line 53 of /mnt/www/html/atfstg/docroot/sites/all/modules/custom/atf_global_settings/atf_global_settings.module).
Download 2004-2 - Temporary Importation of Firearms Subject to the NFA (350.21 KB)
Approved alternate method or procedure for importers to use when temporarily importing firearms subject to the NFA, the GCA and the Arms Export Control Act for inspection, testing, calibration, repair, or incorporation into another defense article.
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